Maman is sad

Maman is sad, so sad. She thinks I am gone but Maman I am here! I REALLY am Maman! You just can’t caresse me with your little fingers or kiss my nose and yes that is hard, so hard for you Maman… Cry if you need to, sob, scream… make all those messy noises you’ve always embarrassed me with. Mais Maman je suis là ! Partout avec toi ❤️ Comme je t’aime Maman.

Là see me ?

And ici too !

Look up Maman!

You said it yourself as I was leaving that body that was no longer letting me be my best me « we will always be together » I am within you now and I will help you with the little runt Elsie.

La voilà Elsie!

We will train her together. I will tell you everything you need to do with her. It seems she is already behaving like you Maman!

I maybe the runt but faut pas m’emmerder !

And as you like to say: I’m short but act tall! Exactement!

I am so happy Diego will be staying with you this weekend, he’s such a handsome boy and though I only got to thoroughly sniff him once, I like what I sniffed


Yes he can sleep on my bed with you and though he won’t be me he tells me he already loves you and that you always have gateau in your pocket. That is my Maman! Always with cookie❤️ If he has problème with you he can always reach me at

All the doggies can! I will answer all questions and be in a much better position to answer ALL questions! I can now get into la tête de tout le monde! Chiens et leur personnel ! I can get into everyone’s thoughts Doggies and their personnel (who think they « own » us… that is tellement drôle 🤣…they don’t really realize much of anything really. But it’s ok we love them and are there to help.

I will write again when I get tired of bouncing in up down and through the clouds… je t’aime ma Maman ❤️ et suis partout avec toi.

Author: OhliveOhlive

I am a tri-lingual French Doggie. Charm, panache and humility describe me well. I am happy to share my observations of Paris, Portland and my thoughts about the many cookies dancing through my head.

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